
Current Number: 0


No event found in the last 40,000 blocks.
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Source code of this page

import ConnectButton from '@/components/button/ConnectButton.vue'
import { shortenAddress, useVueDapp } from '@vue-dapp/core'
import { Interface, ethers } from 'ethers'

const defaultProvider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider('')
const supportedChainId = 421614
const supportedChainName = 'Arbitrum Sepolia'

// ======================== Contract ========================
const contractAddress = '0x4022Be091550EFB5dB2E5Ba93457ee69BF6e1aDA'

const iface = new Interface([
    'function retrieve() public view returns (uint256)',
    'function store(uint256 num)',
    'event Updated(address indexed addr, uint256 num)',

const contract = new ethers.Contract(contractAddress, iface, defaultProvider)

// ======================== Wallet ========================

const { isConnected, wallet, error: connectError } = useVueDapp()

onMounted(() => {

    // listen to events
    contract.on('Updated', (_addr, _num) => {

onUnmounted(() => {

// ======================== Contract Read ========================
const error = ref(null)
const currentNum = ref(0)
const loading = ref(false)

async function fetchData() {
    error.value = null
    try {
        loading.value = true
        const data = Number(await contract.retrieve())
        currentNum.value = data
        newNum.value = data
        return data
    } catch (err: any) {
        error.value = err.message
    } finally {
        loading.value = false

// ======================== Contract Write ========================
const newNum = ref(0)
const waiting = ref(false)

async function sendTransaction() {
    error.value = null

    try {
        waiting.value = true

        if (!isConnected.value) throw new Error('please connect your wallet first.')

        const provider = new ethers.BrowserProvider(wallet.provider!)
        const signer = await provider.getSigner()
        const tx = await (contract.connect(signer) as ethers.Contract).store(newNum.value)
        await tx.wait()

    } catch (err: any) {
        error.value = err
    } finally {
        waiting.value = false

// ======================== Switch Chain ========================

async function switchChain() {
    const { connector } = useVueDapp()
    try {
        await connector.value?.switchChain?.(421614, {
            chainId: 421614,
            chainName: 'Arbitrum Sepolia',
            nativeCurrency: {
                symbol: 'ETH',
                decimals: 18,
            rpcUrls: [''],
            blockExplorerUrls: [''],
    } catch (err: any) {
        error.value = err.message

// ======================== Events ========================
const events = ref<ethers.EventLog[]>([])
const eventLoading = ref(false)

const displayEvents = computed(() => events.value.slice().reverse().slice(0, 3))

async function fetchEventLogs() {
    try {
        eventLoading.value = true

        events.value = (await contract.queryFilter(contract.filters.Updated, -40000)) as ethers.EventLog[]
        console.log('events', events.value)
    } catch (err: any) {
        error.value = err.message
    } finally {
        eventLoading.value = false

Contract source code

  • Network: Arbitrum Sepolia
  • Address: 0x4022Be091550EFB5dB2E5Ba93457ee69BF6e1aDA
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0

pragma solidity >=0.8.2 <0.9.0;

contract Storage {

    uint256 number;

    event Updated(address indexed addr, uint256 num);

    function store(uint256 num) public {
        number = num;
        emit Updated(msg.sender, num);

    function retrieve() public view returns (uint256){
        return number;

Foundry Cast to send the transaction

cast send --account dev \
  --rpc-url \
    0x4022Be091550EFB5dB2E5Ba93457ee69BF6e1aDA \
    "function store(uint256 num)" \